Reviews – Happy Family Store Scam

trust level



main page is an internet pharmacy with two different business names. The website operates under the ‘Viking Pharmacy name. However, the company uses the name ‘Happy Family Store’ in various places. This is bound to confuse some of the store’s customers. It raises questions about their real name. ‘Happy Family Store’ is not a new business. More than likely, the owner wants to take advantage of the notoriety associated with the name. But that isn’t necessarily a good thing. As far as the internet is concerned, ‘Happy Family Store’ is a scam.

Domain Details
Date of Registration2020-10-08
Owner CountryRussia
Contact Datano
Business Information
Name of OrganisationHappy Family Store
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the base
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionyes
Courier Mailyes
Free Shippingyes
Payment Methods


Domain Info

The domain is younger than many of the pharmacies that use its name, having been created on the 8th of October 2020. Because they are less than a year old, they cannot get anyone to believe that they are legit. They have two primary problems. First of all, most of the scams in the online medical field are young, which is why people expect young pharmacies to defraud them. Secondly, a store this young hasn’t been in business long enough to attract customers in large numbers. It also lacks a paper trail which means that it cannot present any tangible evidence to support its claims. The safest option is to assume that they are a scam and to move on to safer drugstores.



Related Websites

You have every reason to conclude that this drugstore is part of a network of sites that sell medicine under the ‘Happy Family Store‘ umbrella. The rating gave them (55 Percent) is decent. But that doesn’t make them legit. You have to take some of their failings into account before you decide to do business with them. That includes their small number of users, high-risk origins, and poor optimization.

suspicious website


Business Profile


The ‘Viking Pharmacy‘ name has no baggage. There is no logical reason as to why they refused to stick with it, especially when you consider all the suspicions surrounding the other name. As was noted before, they are probably members of a pharmaceutical network.

In such cases, the legitimacy of the store is determined by the legitimacy of the network. However, as you might have expected, they haven’t acknowledged their membership, and neither have they revealed the identity of the network in question. Though, from the name, you can already guess. Because their network is shady, you have to assume that they share those same shady attributes. Their site is attractive but the use of stock photos is a problem because the tactic is common among companies that lack proper business premises and employees.

This is another concern that surrounds pharmaceutical networks. Most of them are not operated by licensed pharmacists. This platform is obviously in the same boat. The individuals processing your orders and dispensing your medicine are laypeople that do not have the medical knowledge or experience to determine whether or not the drugs you want are suitable for your condition. This makes their contact information irrelevant. There is little point in reaching out to the portal to ask for guidance when you cannot trust the advice provided by their customer support personnel.


Regulatory Authorization

Because their activities are not completely legal, they have no way of securing proper regulatory authority from organizations like, which is why they haven’t been accredited or licensed.

no info


Available Products


Their catalog of medicine looks like it was copied and pasted from the other stores in their network. It has drugs that treat all the obvious ailments, such as:

❋ Acid Reflux

 Blood Pressure
❋ Smoking

Patients are not expected to present prescriptions. This practice is frowned upon by doctors. You also see it in a lot of scams.


Payments and Deliveries

The prices won’t shock you. They are low. But that will only encourage you to approach them with far more care than you normally would. This is because counterfeit medicine is always very cheap. If you want to pay the company, you can use electronic checks, crypto-transfers, and credit cards. Though, they may misuse any financial information you choose to share with them. They use EMS and Airmail for deliveries.




Don’t pay any attention to the testimonials the company has published. They are not real. Information found on the website is very easy to manipulate, which is why it can’t be trusted.

no reviews



Considering their shady connections and shoddy profile, you have to give the internet pharmacy a rating of 15%.

  Be careful and stay away from such rogue pharmacies.


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2 thoughts on “ Reviews – Happy Family Store Scam”

  1. Really wish I did my homework before I placed an order with these guys, I think I might have gotten scammed, I’m not happy, luckily it was under $60 but still.

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