Reviews – Doesn’t Exist in Reality

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main page is one of the newly launched online pharmacies that sell men’s generic and branded enhancement pills at a cheaper price. They claim all their products are FDA-approved and are of high-quality with zero side-effects. They also claim to offer superior customer service via their experienced support staff. We reviewed the pharmacy recently to check whether they are legit or it is just another rogue pharmacy. Read below to know more about our findings.

Domain Details
Date of Registration2019-04-21
Owner CountryUS, Russia
Contact Datano
Business Information
Name of OrganisationOnline Pharmacy
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Courier Mailyes
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods


Domain Information

The Whois data of this pharmacy says the domain was created 21st April 2019 and currently has an expiry date of 21st April 2020. So, this means the pharmacy only has roughly two more months in its lifespan unless the owner renews its license. This is a common trait of rogue pharmacies and this pharmacy could be very likely one such pharmacy. The loading speed of the website is also very slow given that it shares its server with 360 other websites.



Business Profile


The ScamAdviser data of this business says the owner of this pharmacy has decided to use a privacy service to hide their identity and their physical location. They have also provided fake contact details and social media pages that are not in operation. These are all common characteristics of rogue pharmacies as their owners chose to stay anonymous to prevent themselves from getting into trouble by legal authorities. The data also says there are two countries involved in its set up – the United States and the Russian Federation which also adds to its unreliability.


Regulatory Approvals

Regulatory approval is mandatory for these businesses to operate legally. The pharmacy has not provided any legal seals on their website, so we headed to the databases of various concerned authorities such as CIPA, MPA, Pharmacy Checker, etc and as expected, no traces of this business were found in any of the databases. Furthermore, LegitScript has reviewed the pharmacy and gave it a rogue rating meaning they are products that are not ideal for human consumption.



Available Products


The pharmacy sells a wide range of branded and generic health products that improve men’s performance on the bed. However, they also sell and other health medicines too but they are of limited supply and only used to eyewash legal authorities. Some of the best-selling products include:

❋ Allergy, Asthma, Antibiotics
❋ Cancer, Cholesterol, Diabetes
❋ Migraine, Pain Relief, Weight Loss


Product Pricing

Even though their branded products are reasonably priced, the pricing of their generic drugs is bound to raise some eyebrows. There is no way you can get these drugs at these prices in traditional markets or genuine pharmacies. These are most likely counterfeited items of the original items brought into the country with the help of cross-border smuggling without paying any taxes.


Delivery Methods


The pharmacy claims to ship their products internationally and cover almost all the countries in the world. They use the following shipping options to ship their products:

❋ Airmail, with a standard waiting period of 2 to 3 weeks with no tracking, and
❋ EMS Courier Delivery, with a standard waiting delivery of 5 to 9 business days with tracking available

The final shipping charge will depend on your physical location and the method you choose for shipping. It can also get delayed at the customs, so you need to stay patient if your parcel does not arrive within the stipulated period.


Payment Options

The pharmacy claims to have a secure payment process but there is no SSL seal on their website as well as their external payment getaway. They accept payments via credit cards issued by Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, JCB, Diners Club, and E-Checks. You will be charged once they have your parcel ready to dispatch to your given location.


Customer Testimonials

The pharmacy does have a testimonial page where you can read about the experiences of their past customers. Unfortunately, during our investigation, we found that most of these reviews are either copied from other pharmacies or generated by the owner itself to attract more customers. These are full of lies and has no truth at all in those claims.




We did not find any evidence that says this is a legit pharmacy and not a scam business. The owner is not transparent, the use of fake SSL seals and customer reviews, no legal approval, and fake claims are all common traits of rogue pharmacies. Therefore, stay away from this pharmacy as they will try different ways to con you and you don’t even get to know about it.

 We give this pharmacy a 10% trust level based on our investigation.


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