Reviews – Owns CIPA Seal

trust level



main page is an online pharmaceutical company that aims to make drugs easier and cheaper to access. The website’s founders believe that medicine should always be available to those who need it and that it is unfair for the pharmaceutical market to force so many people to turn to counterfeit medicine because drug prices are so high. The company operates as an intermediary that connects customers to reliable and licensed dispensaries.

Domain Details
Date of Registration2018-08-09
Owner CountryCanada
Contact Datayes
Business Information
Name of OrganisationCanadianPharmacyDepot
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionyes
Courier Mailno
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods


Domain Details

This website was registered on the 9th of August 2018. They have a lifespan of less than a year. While it is true that all websites were once new, you can’t fault people for rejecting this pharmacy because of its short lifespan. It takes a lot of time to build trust on the internet, and this site has a lot of work to do to dispel the doubt that its registration date immediately conjures in people’s minds.



Related Websites

high trustscore

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There is a good reason to believe that the medical portal is actually part of a network of nearly a dozen small pharmacies operating under a single umbrella. The fact that ScamAdviser has assigned them a rating of 81 percent doesn’t mean anything at this point because they are so new. With time, as further investigations are performed, ScamAdviser could encounter evidence that compels it to bring that trust rating down.


Business Profile


This firm identifies as a Canadian Pharmacy. It even has the logo. However, according to ScamAdviser, they most likely originate from the United States. Little is known about the founder of the company because they have chosen to hide their identity behind an anonymous service. Their reputation is further debilitated by the fact that they have only revealed their Post Office Box rather than an actual business address. All those signs are worrisome. As far as their operations are concerned, the venture was created because its founder noted that spikes in drug prices had forced a lot of people to stop taking their medication. Those that could afford the medicine were rationing their doses to make them last longer. This was especially prevalent in America. So this website was created to provide relief in this area, to make drugs of all varieties available to people at affordable prices. Their primary draw is the fact that they are a Canadian website that sells Canadian drugs which have a solid reputation. It is worth noting that they only exist as a website. The pharmacy doesn’t have physical premises that you can visit to purchase drugs.


Regulatory Authorization

This website is a member of CIPA. CIPA is an organization that monitors and certifies internet pharmacies in Canada. They only accredit firms that meet their very high standards in the areas of data protection, reliability, and business practices. You won’t find this site in the LegitScript database, though. They are so new that the resource hasn’t yet had a chance to scrutinize them.



Available Products

Both brand-name and generic drugs are available. You need a valid prescription to order for prescription drugs. While the site is advertised as a Canadian pharmacy that sells Canadian drugs, they actually source a lot of their pills from dispensaries in other countries. However, they promise that all their partners are licensed suppliers and manufacturers the quality of whose medicine is beyond reproach.



Payments and Deliveries

This online business is quite proud of its low price tags. They have gone so far as to claim that they can beat any drug price offered by any of their rivals by over ten percent, which is quite impressive. When it comes to payments, they only offer a credit card option. But they have a security certificate that guarantees the safety of your financial information. Products are shipped to the United States by mail for a flat fee of ten dollars. You might have to wait a few weeks, though.



You can find customer reviews for this drugstore on the official website. But even though they are touted as real testimonials, similar customer reviews have been seen on other related websites.




The site’s lifespan is worrisome, and so is the absence of a proper business address. However, CIPA doesn’t just hand its seal out to anyone. And the fact that this internet drugstore has CIPA approval means that it is a legit medical company doing actual business.

 This website earns a trust level of 65%.


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2 thoughts on “ Reviews – Owns CIPA Seal”

  1. Trying to place an order but in supplying my shipping address, the site won’t let me put in the state info. It will take my zip code but not my state. I have bought from them before but can’t remember my password.

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