Reviews – Strive To Be Outstanding

trust level



main page is an online pharmacy based in the U.K and has been in existence for over 6 years. They boast of having a record of good reviews from satisfied customers on Trustpilot. At this drugstore, they provide safe and legal products. This article includes the necessary information you need before you purchase from this store.


Domain Details
Date of Registration2012-11-02
Owner CountryGreat Britain
Contact Datayes
Business Information
Name of OrganisationPrescription Doctor
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Toll-Number0208 1917477
Live Chat Optionno
Courier Mailyes
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods


Domain Details

This domain was registered on 2012-11-02 and it expires on 2025-11-01. An update was last carried out on 2018-10-01. It doesn’t fail to provide necessary information about its technical contact, administrative contact, and registrant contact.



Business Information

some infoAt this online pharmacy, they provide convenient health care and their prescription is delivered discreetly. They aim to provide sufficient information about their products. Prescriptions are carried out by professionals who have been trained just like the rest of their staff to deliver quality. Online consultation service and testing services are also made available by this firm. A blog that educates site visitors or customers on certain ailments is available on the site of this drugstore.


Regulatory Approvals

unapprovedLaws are important in any setting. Without laws or regulations, people would treat different settings the way they want. Regulations are the basis for setting standards in any organization. According to Safe.Pharmacy, a website used to check the reputation of a website, it was stated that the pharmacy has not been reviewed by NABP. It is also unapproved by LegitScript.


Product and Pricing

Products on this pharmacy website are available for the following conditions:

  • medshealth, travel, skincare
  • pain relief, and S.T.D
  • women’s health, men’s health

The products are available at an affordable price and if you can’t find the specific product you want, you can contact their support team.  Orders placed on this site are subject to doctors’ approval. In cases of product return, they don’t accept any product that has been used. You can only claim a refund of your product within 30 days of receiving it. Some of their products can be addictive if taken for longer periods than prescribed.


Payment and Shipping

payment methodsPayment is made through a debit or credit card and if you don’t have one, you can pay through a bank transfer.  Payment has to be made before the product can be dispatched. In cases of issues with a product, their customer support team is available to provide solutions. Delivery of product is not made during the weekend. Shipping is done via a trackable courier.




Based on information gathered from Trustpilot, they have received over 7865 reviews. The information about the testimonials they provided on their page correlates with that of TrustPilot. It contains both positive and negative ratings from customers with positive ratings of 91%. They are happy when customers leave feedback after buying.

positive reviews



Nothing is completely perfect. Based on the testimonials received by this pharmacy, we get to confirm this fact. Word of mouth is one of the fastest ways to appeal to visitors on your site to buy.

  This pharmacy has appealed to a lot of customers and on that basis our trust level is 60%.  


Pharmacy Ranking

We have created a rating of online pharmacies which gained our trust on the basis of their verified certificates, great customer feedback and quality services. Have a look and find the best store satisfying your needs.

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