Reviews – Worse Than It Seems

trust level



main page is an internet company that sells and delivers pharmaceutical products. They emphasize the fact that they are not a traditional pharmacy but, rather, an intermediary that connects consumers to pharmacies.

Domain Details
Date of Registration2010-07-14
Owner CountryUS
Contact Datano
Business Information
Name of OrganisationOnline Pills
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Courier Mailyes
Free Shippingfor Registered Airmail
Payment Methods


Domain Details

This domain was registered on the 14th of July in 2010. So they have been in operation for almost a decade which is impressive. Websites with long lifespans tend to attract interest because they have a lot of experience backing their claims. It is also worth noting that scams can’t last this long without being uprooted. This portal could be legit.


Related Websites

This site has a number of related websites, the most prominent including:

❋ Tjetak.comhigh rating

Most of the sites with which this company is associated have very high ScamAdviser trust ratings, which is good. It is never a good idea for a pharmacy to nurture relationships with fraudulent medical websites because they end up tainting its reputation. On the other hand, a website can greatly benefit from building connections with trustworthy sites. This pharmacy just so happens to have many reliable online connections. Its case is further helped by the fact that its own ScamAdviser trust rating is a whopping 100%. In other words, for the moment, ScamAdviser thinks that they are completely safe.


Business Profile

This online venture exists to acquire drugs and then sell them to consumers at affordable prices. They act as a middle-man, partnering with reputable suppliers and using them to meet the medical needs of budget-constrained customers. The firm is quick to point out the fact that they only work with legitimate suppliers that have valid licenses.


Additionally, all the products they offer have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. So this US-Based business wants its clients to know that all the merchandise they acquire from this website is of the highest quality. The process of purchasing items from this internet pharmacy is pretty straightforward. Just visit their website, find the medication you need, initiate the order, provide your financial information and then wait for your package to arrive. You should know that every consumer is expected to fill out a detailed patient profile form before they can initiate an order. The goal is to ensure that the right drugs are sent to the right people. However, all customer information is kept strictly confidential, safeguarded by the latest encryption technology.


Regulatory Authorization

As far as LegitScript is concerned, this is a rogue pharmacy. The entity doesn’t have any legal authority to dispense prescription and non-prescriptions drugs in the United States. Anyone transacting with them should keep this fact in mind.



Available Products

This website sells most medicines. You can get drugs for everything from high cholesterol to allergies. However, they seem to place a lot of focus on male enhancement and sex-related treatments. Also, while they have both generic and branded drugs, they spend a lot of time pushing their generic treatments. They are always assuring their clients that their generic stock is just as effective as their branded stock.



Pricing, Payments, and Deliveries

This business has very low prices tags. This is because, in many of the cases, they work directly with the manufacturers. By eliminating the middle-man, they are able to acquire their stock cheaply. Additionally, the firm doesn’t spend money on marketing. This lack of heavy overhead costs allows them to save money. They pass these savings on to the customer. When it comes to payments, the pharmacy accepts credit cards. On the issue of shipping, consumers can choose between:

❋ Registered Airmail
❋ United States Postal Service




The only customer testimonials this pharmacy has been found on its official website. The testimonials are very positive, praising the company for making the process of ordering drugs online so smooth. However, they can’t be verified. It looks like the website had a bit of a presence on Reddit, possibly even a few reviews. But whoever ran its profile on the platform seems to have been banned for violating some rules.




This website earns a trust level of 30%. Most of the information on their online platform cannot be verified, and neither can they prove that they are a legal entity.

 There is no reason to believe that they are a real business.


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