Reviews – Lie About Everything

trust level



main page is an internet pharmacy of unknown origin that is masquerading as a Canadian drugstore. The fact that it has ‘Canada’ in its name isn’t surprising. Plenty of fraudulent sites claim to be Canadian these days because they want to take advantage of the trust the country’s pharmacies enjoy. Like all those sites, this one isn’t Canadian either. So you shouldn’t fall for any of its games. All the information surrounding the site paints the picture of a company that isn’t being truthful about what it does.

Domain Details
Date of Registration2013-03-18
Owner CountryNetherlands, Spain, US
Contact Datano
Business Information
Name of OrganisationCanadian Healthcare
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionyes
Courier Mailyes
Free Shippingfor orders more than $300
Payment Methods


Domain Details


This website was created on the 18th of March 2013. That makes them 6-years-old. Any internet pharmacy that is younger than 5 years is automatically suspicious. This is because most scams are really young. Because of their illegal activities, they are discovered quickly and eliminated.

The fact that this website is 6-years-old should be a source of encouragement. However, they claim on one of their web pages that they have been in business since 1991. From their domain age, you can tell that they are lying. That immediately tarnishes their reputation, ruining any points they could have earned from their decent domain age.


Related Websites

ScamAdviser gave the pharmacy a trust rating of 76 percent. That is a surprisingly high rating which suggests that the portal is trustworthy. However, the figure is probably the result of the platform’s domain age which is definitely higher than what you see with most medical scams.

If you take a closer look at ScamAdviser’s data, you will notice that the other factors surrounding the site are not so positive. It has a very low Alexa ranking. This tells you that it gets very few visitors. It has also been associated with three countries which are never a good sign.


Business Profile


There is no way to determine the origins of this website. The owner has chosen to hide behind a privacy service and there is no business address to speak of. So you have no way of knowing where the company comes from or who created it. You cannot even prove that this is an actual business with real employees. The official page features stock images downloaded from the internet. Those are not pictures of real pharmacists. That is a problem because the drugstore wants you to believe that it offers a 24-hour consultation service.

You can’t trust that the people giving you medical advice over the phone are qualified professionals. That assumes that their phone numbers work. There is no reason to believe that the contact information provided is valid. The platform is as basic as they come. It looks like it was thrown together in a hurry. No effort was made to give it a distinct image. Every professional internet pharmacy wants to stand out. As such, they will craft a unique brand that they can use to promote their wares online. This firm doesn’t look like it even cares whether or not it draws customers.


Regulatory Authorization

This is a rogue internet pharmacy. LegitScript has classified them as such. They do not have any regulatory authority to pursue their business.

rogue status


Available Drugs


According to its catalog, this platform sells a wide variety of medicines, including:

Birth control

But the chances that they actually sell any of this medicine is low. Their main interest is sexual enhancers for men.


Pricing, Payments, and Deliveries

The medicine sold here is cheap, probably because it is generic and it comes from India. But it isn’t the cheapest on the market. There are coupons that you can use to get extra pills. With shipping, your options include EMS and trackable courier service. Your medication should arrive in discreet packages within thirty business days. You can use credit cards to make payments. They accept most of the major brands.




While there are customer reviews on this site, you have to assume that they are fake just like everything else. There are no additional testimonials about this pharmacy on any other website.




When you look at the lack of testimonials and regulatory authority, not to mention the poor design of its platform, you have to conclude that the internet pharmacy is not legit.

 This website earns a trust level of 15%.


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