Reviews – Low Customer Satisfaction

trust level



main page is an online pharmacy that is providing skincare solutions for over two decades. They claim their decade-long history and innovative skincare solutions makes them stand apart from their competitors. They also claim there are over 20 million happy customers worldwide and they are the #1 acne brand in the USA. We reviewed the company and checked the authenticity of their claims. Below is what we found during our investigation.

Domain Details
Date of Registration1998-12-02
Owner CountrySwitzerland, US
Contact Datayes
Business Information
Name of OrganisationProactiv
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Courier Mailyes
Free Shippingyes
Payment Methods


Domain Information

The company’s Whois data says the domain was registered on 3rd December 1998 and its current expiration date is 1st December 2020. The domain existed for more than 21 years, so we can safely say the business is legit and not a scam. Its registrar company is MarkMonitor, Inc, which is a genuine company and not a vague company. The loading speed of the website is also very fast since it does not share its server with any other websites.



Business Profile

The company’s ScamAdviser page says the owner of the business is the Proactiv Company Sarl and is possibly located in the United States. There is no much info available as the owner did not disclose much information about their whereabouts. The data also says there two countries involved in its set up – Switzerland and the United States. The contact details and social media profiles are in full operation and we got a quick response to our queries from one of their representatives.



Regulatory Approvals

The company has not got any regulatory approval from concerned authorities such as CIPA, Pharmacy Checker, MPA, etc. Moreover, the USFDA in 2014 warned that their over-the-counter acne solutions can cause severe irritation and sometimes life-threatening allergic conditions. Furthermore, LegitScript did not review the company’s products as their products do not come under their purview.


Available Products

The company provides three types of skincare provides that they claim are clinically proven and do not contain any harmful substance. Their products include:

system❋ Proactiv (Their original acne treatment solution)
❋ Proactiv MD (A healthy skin regimen includes cleansing, sun protection, and hydration)
❋ Proactiv+ (Their targeted acne solution plus advanced skincare)

All these skincare solutions use Combination Therapy and that gives you a comprehensive approach to your skin care treatments.


Product Pricing

The pricing of their products is slightly on the higher side; however, they also give you some gifts with every order you make along with free shipping. Once you buy one of their products you automatically become a subscription member which gives you a wide range of benefits ranging from below-retail pricing to door-step delivery of your purchase, deals, and discounts, insider access to their latest product launches, etc.



Payment Options

The pharmacy accepts payments via the following modes:

❋ Visa and Mastercard
❋ Discover
❋ PayPal

To order their products, go to their billing page and fill up all the details such as your name, contact details, address, card information, etc. Their checkout page is SSL encrypted, so there are fewer chances of stealing or duplicating.


Shipping Methods

Proactive offers two types of shipping options to all its customers worldwide. They are:

delivery❋ Standard Delivery, which takes around 4 to 7 business days at no cost, and
❋ Proactiv Next Day, which will deliver the product within 24 hours and costs $14.99

You can choose two types of supply of your product – 30 Day Supply and 90 Day Supply, both come with free standard shipping along with gifts.


Customer Testimonials

The customer testimonials on their website look genuine and have a good mix of positive and negative reviews. Some of them are very detailed and look like provided by real users and not owner-generated. However, things get murkier as we checked Proactiv reviews on other platforms such as TrustPilot where the company has a 1.1 trust score and reviews are mostly negative. Customers were not happy with their subscription service as well as the quality of their products. This makes the company and its products highly unreliable from the customers’ point of view.

negative comment



The company is no doubt legit as it has existed long enough and sells clinically proven skincare solutions. However, things get worse in case of customer satisfaction as they have a pretty low trust score on TrustPilot. Customers were mostly not happy with their subscription plan’s monthly charges as it is not mentioned anywhere and is partly responsible for covering the shipping charges. Therefore, it is a tricky situation to be in if you are planning to buy their skincare solutions.

 We give this drugstore a 50% trust level based on our investigation.


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